🤖 Chaos-as-a-Service (CaaS)
How does it work?
Developer or User Initiates Request: Through a front-end UI or CLI tool, they supply chaos parameters—like “simulate malicious transactions over a five-minute window”—and sign a transaction transferring $GREMLINAI tokens to the program.
On-Chain Request Creation: GlitchGremlinProgram stores this request in a new
ChaosRequest Account
with status =Pending
.Off-Chain Retrieval: The AI engine’s aggregator sees the new request, fetches parameters, and begins to orchestrate the chaos scenario in a sandbox.
Simulation Execution: The AI engine bombards the target system with the requested or AI-derived malice: spamming, injection attempts, concurrency edge-case triggers, or any exploit test from the engine’s library.
Completion and Reporting: Logs are uploaded to decentralized storage. The AI engine signs a finalize transaction on-chain with references to these logs.
On-Chain Finalization: The program updates the request’s status to Completed, un-escrows, burns tokens based on the request’s outcome, and potentially triggers reward logic
This cyclical flow ensures that the chaos process is transparent—each step is either visible on-chain or easily auditable through the logs, letting developers confidently rely on $GREMLINAI for stress-testing.
Last updated