GlitchGremlinProgram (On-Chain)
The GlitchGremlinProgram is written in Rust and deployed on Solana Main-net. It has multiple entry points (i.e., instructions) that define how users and off-chain services interact with $GREMLINAI.
Program Responsibilities Are as Follows
Chaos Request Initialization:
• Checks whether the caller has enough $GREMLINAI to pay for the requested chaos.
• Transfers (escrows) the required amount from the caller’s wallet into the program’s escrow account.
• Creates a ChaosRequest
Account that stores the request parameters and references.
Chaos Request Finalization:
• Off-chain AI engine calls back with a signed proof of chaos completion.
• The program updates the ChaosRequest
Account to mark the request as “completed” or “failed.”
• If partial refunds or additional fees are applicable, the program updates token balances accordingly.
Governance Hooks:
• Integrates with a standard Solana governance module.
• Allows for proposals that, if passed, automatically create or fund chaos tests from the protocol treasury.
• Potentially triggers special events (e.g., distributing rewards to voters or top community participants).
Last updated